Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Yummy, super easy sticky buns I found on Pinterest!

Dylan loving on the baby goat at Grandma's house!

Austin playing with the baby goats at Grandma's house!

Cody caught the first fish!

What a heavy stringer full!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Walk in the Country!

Took the boys for a walk the other day and enjoyed some of the sights in the neighborhood!  Then caught an amazing sunset when we got back!  I have been enjoying taking pictures with my new Canon camera also!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!

Cody with his sombrero!

Austin with his Sombrero!
Wild man hair, after nap!

Birthday Cake I made for the boys!

The Big fish Cody caught in Mt. Shasta!

Look at what I found!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday-Food Edition

1st attemp at making homemade calzone's with HM dough!

What happens when you put too much in a blender!

Making Seafood Chowder, cooking the veggies!

The final product, Seafood Chowder!

Homemade pickles from cucumbers in our garden!

Future Pumpkin Pie!

Homemade Apple Pie!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I was invaded by lil people And we are Mobile now!

This morning everytime I turned around the kiddos seemed to multiply!! haha!!  Ok so in reality there were 3 here when I woke up (mine) and then another showed up and then another and another and pretty soon my living room was full of lil monkies who needed breakfast and some outside time!!! I was feeling a lil crazy and my OCD was really having issues, so got everyone up to the table and food out and then it was silent ;-0    Well for a minute or two!! haha  Then it was outside time for the big kids and not long before nap time for the babies!! Thank goodness for front yards and nap time (don't know how I would survive without them!!)
Ok so the Fun is really beginning! Dylan is starting to really move around and get into things! 2 times today, he managed to get into the cords for the computer! He will get up on his knees and then onto his toes for some "toe pushups" and then lunge forward! Or he will kinda wiggle/army crawl towards his Prize!! We have given him his own remote (minus batteries) to chase down and its so funny to watch him go for it!
Look at Me!
This is so exciting for me, since neither one of the older 2 ever did this!! Cody didn't learn to scoot til about 11m and Austin rolled some and then scooted til he learned to walk. I think it is because they refused to play on their tummy's and Dylan spends a lot of time on his playing!
 He figured out how to get around the living room and headed down the hall after me while I was getting the boys into bed. That is until he got mad and started crying!!  He is getting better each day, and it won't be long and he'll be going mock II!! haha

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Thought I would give a try at this wordless wednesday, Lil Brother really enjoyed himself at the Ca State Fair with Mommy and Grandma last week!

Watching the goat show!

Playing by the show box at our pens!

Gotta have his picture taken with the Golden Bear!

Trying on hats!

Helping Grandma milk!

It's waayy too hot for this hat Mommy!

One tired lil man!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Busy, busy!

We have been so busy lately, it is insane! The boys have been doing swimming lessons for the past 3weeks, and this is the last week. They are doing great! I can't believe how much of a difference it has made. The only problem was I had to choose the session that was during dinner time so I didn't have to take the daycare kids too. So now I've been having to sit down and plan my dinner menu a little bit different than normal. Everything has to either go in the slow cooker or in the oven so when we get home dinner is ready or will take minimal effort to get it on the table. I normally plan my dinner menu out for the week on Sat morning and then make a grocery list. I find if I don't, then dinner is hard to figure out or we're more likely to eat out or order pizza.
Last week I was so proud, every nite I had something ready when we got home from lessons!

Mon-Steak in the oven-Melt in your mouth, rice, cauliflower
Tues-Pulled Pork with sourdough bread and beans
Wed-Biscuits w/beef & veggie soup over
Thurs-Slow cooker stuffed meatloaf, homemade applesauce, sourdough bread
Fri-Chicken cooked with stewed tomatoes/olives/corn/black beans and in tortillas w/cheese

*Most nights, we also have a green salad with dinner*

All dinners turned out great and it was so nice to have something ready to go! So this week's menu:

Mon- Spaghetti-Didn't get it going early enough, so we had waffles :-)
Tues- Stroganof with crunchy noodles
Wed-Whole chicken w/veggies
Thurs-Stuffed noodles w/spinach & mushrooms
Fri-we will be head outta town-leftovers!

 Since I'm trying to get back into the habit of making a menu, I will try to post one on here each week to help motivate me!! We will be at the State Fair Friday though next Wed, so I will skip next week. Good luck to anyone else making a menu!